Thursday 9 October 2008


It's love and hate with Soho.  Some weekends friends want to go out in town and I can’t think of a worse place to be other than a pit full of spiders and the actor that does the Cilit bang ads.  It' takes forever to get home if your out past 1am and basically after dark 75% of the 'revellers' are twats.


But last night was wonderful!  Went to Soho Revue (an old haunt from the glory days of Lady Luck every month with out fail) for a friend of a friends show.  The show was ok, got to hang out and see some burlesque, catch up with my friend and have a giggle with my lady.  On the way home I saw a bearded transvestite, a tourist starting at the bearded transvestite, a guy unconscious on the floor outside Planet Hollywood with a paramedic dressing a wound on his head, and a crowd.  A crowd of people taking photos on their phones of the unconscious guy!  


The pure human drama.  I sometimes I wish my life is like a film, it isn’t and that was tough to get around when I was younger (oh the disappointment that life wasn’t going to be a mixture of high drama and subtle dark humour) but one night in Soho, on a weds and life is exactly like the best film - unpredictable, dramatic and comfortable in equal measure.


I love you soho.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Blessed with Bad Luck

What the hell is blessed with bad luck?
It's laughing when you should be crying.  It's seeing that bad things happen to good people and the more you roll with it the more you'll create an opportunity for yourself.

Unlucky in sex?
Dislocating a toe (the little toe to be exact) while having sex is damn unlucky. however the silliness of the situation took all the edge off and the relationship bloomed!

Clumsy unluckiness?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Off to the airport to travel to the other side of the world. Everything is packed, I re-check I have my passport and I walk out my door with everything. One tube stop later and I have no passport!!! Que panic, cold sweat, a missed flight to Australia (from London) and general madness. The next morning I get a call from the police - someone gave my passport in.. it fell out of my pocket when I topped my Oyster card up. I may have missed my flight but I felt a little better about there being good honest people in London!

blessed with bad luck

Pet Hates

Four questions twenty friends, this is what happened:

What’s you biggest pet hate on a night out?
Sticky bars that get alcohol juice all over your arm/purse
When you go to the loos and the toilet attendant is all over you as soon as you leave the cubicle expecting a bloody tip!
When there are never, ever enough ladies toilets, and the people who finally get to the front of the queue seem to take forever.

Piccadilly at midnight on the weekend:

What’s you biggest pet hate about public transport?
Pushing and shoving into the little space, so that the doors don't close and we sit there for ages
The competitive streak of people pushing for seats
Biggest absolute pet hate is people who wait until they get to the barrier to root around in the pockets to get their tickets out. Have your tickets ready as you approach the gates!
That awkward/forced quietness on the train

The crush:

What’s your biggest pet hate about work?
Rude Clients
No air con
When people nick my stuff from the fridge, even if I've clearly labelled it with my name. Why do that? It's called theft.
Not working near a beach...
People not taking the time to explain something properly
People saying things are urgent when they're not

What’s your biggest pet hate about home life?
The bath mat being left all creased up
The neverending accumulation of pink dust noisy naughty neighbours, please someone call super nanny
Things being put into the recycling box that can't be recycled.
Insects that get into your house in the summer because you have to keep the windows open. I hate that